Metal Tornado Wiki

Lou Diamond Phillips Fights a Ion Metal storm or somthing, because the sun can create tornados on land or whatever, the tornado, despire being made entirly out of Metal like chainsaws and cars and things, is able to sneak up on people and terrorizes a small town in Kansas or Iowa or where ever. Lou Has to Team up with Not Dax, from Deep Space Nine, to stop it from killing the president, i mean Philidelphia. The tornado can follow or Titanium or Iron or somthing, and Lou fights a motorcycle and hooks up with a Dikey Biker chick, meanwhile in Europe they do the same thing again because the French are retarded, andthey have to nuke the Tornado with those drones from Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, it works in America but not In Paris because screw the french, then Lou goes home with his wife? and his nerdy yet somhow hip son, and Metal Tornado is defeated forever...or is it? yeah it is, and if they find a way to make Metal Tornado 2, ive lost complete faith in humanity.
